14 December 2004

South Siders, be silent!

There's a horrible little something out there...it's true atrocity isn't known by very many...and for those of us who have experienced it? Well...let's just say that we do our best to block out the painful memories...
...no, I'm not talking about the Holocaust, the Crimean War or even the hellish experience known as high school...I'm talking about FIRE ALARMS.
I remember that day in February at YC...when some arse called in a bomb threat and we were all forcibly marched outside into the depths of winter...I remember thinking "it can't get much worse then this". Oh how I was wrong.
Picture it people...American University, McDowell Hall, 2004. A young student gets back to her room after a fun night around 3:30 and crawls into bed around 4...then...disaster strikes. Unbeknownst to her and her roommate, the morons on the 6th floor decided to put s'mores in the oven, not knowing that somehow they would catch fire and set off the alarm. The innocent young student is lying peacefully in bed, just about to doze off when she hears an annoying, shallow sound...oddly similiar to that of a knife plunging through your heart. She was just about to ignore the pestering noise, that doesn't quite seem real, when Christine the RA knocks loudly on the door screaming, "GIRLS! GET OUT! There's a FIRE!!" The two roommates fall out of bed and stumble blindly into shoes and sweatshirts then outside into the frigid early morning, December air where they are forced to wait for all eternity.

Except for the all eternity thing...that actually happened...Friday night. Kill me now. Or better yet, kill the idiots on the 6th floor.

1 comment:

c said...

Arrgh I hate fire alarms! We have them on an extremely regular basis. One day-- when everyone was studying for midterms I believe -- they went through and did a fire drill around the entire freshman campus dorm by dorm. Also one of my friends made us be evacuated at 1 am because he and his friend were playing hall sports and it hit the alarm... But by far the worst was our own 3:00 am fire alarm... That was a quite interesting (though frustrating) experience