05 October 2004

And because my sister won't answer her phone...

I have decided to rant. Yeah, big surprise there, right?

Well, ya know what, I love France. I love French people (guys in particular), French food, French music, French perfume, French culture, French art, French literature, French philosophy, French clothing. Everything. Except the language, which undoubtedly I would still love if not for a certain evil little person who shall remain anonymous (oh wait, I'm not in a nice mood tonight am I? Mme. Learned).

And you know what I love most about the French? THE WAY THEY HATE US. Can you blame them? I mean, really. We're absolutely some of the most uncultured, uncivilized people on the planet. We feast on junk food which kills us, have a huge problem with obesity, rely completely on cars (most of which are freakin SUVs), can barely speak our own language (let alone the language of others) and best of all, we think we are always right, when most of the time we are so ridiculously wrong!!!! I love how people think science is an American art...sure, we've got NASA, and look how messed up that is! The best scientists ever have been European (I don't need to list names...) and the most technology/anything science related comes out of Europe even though America takes credit for it.

Oh, and on a random note...I think I'm going to get a manicure this weekend...and guess what kind it shall be?!

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