17 October 2004

I'm so far down...away from the sun (Literally. It's very cold in here.)

It's now Sunday afternoon and I had a pretty good weekend. On Friday Sara and I went to Kat's dorm and watched Bram Stoker's Dracula. Not a bad movie. Not a good movie either.

On Saturday Sara and I bummed around Tenley waiting for the box office to open to get tickets to Lewis Black. We went to Payless where she bought a couple of pairs of shoes and tried to convince me to get these hot pick slipper things that she claimed "worked for me." I, in turn, kept repeating "I'm not cute enough to pull those off" and then some random 35+ yr old man w/ a toddler said, "I think you're cute enough for them" to which a dumbfounded me simply said, "thank you." Seriously, how do you answer something like that?! Oh, at Payless I also talked to a really nice woman from Brazil. I love D.C. Got back to AU, had dinner then I rushed to grab a shower for L.B. I'm sorry, but I stayed in my pajamas all day and if I had to get out of them, I was going to get out of them w/ a vengence. MWAHAHA!

We got to Bender @ 7:05 and the line was already stretched halfway to Hughes. Met a cool guy who was standing in line behind us (Tom) who also saved our spot while we went to get the actual tickets. According to him I look more like a Rachel then an Ashley. I can deal w/ Rachel. It's Francine I have issues with. About 20 minutes later we met up w/ Kat and a bunch of Sam's friends who claimed the line was stretching out into Nebraska Ave (never ceases to amaze me how huge a crowd is drawn by political comedians).

Ben Lewis was absolutely hysterical..."Once I was on LSD I thought my refridgerator was a puma. I saw it get up and run away and I said to my friend, "WHAT IF IT DOESN'T COME BACK?!?!?! WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL MY PARENTS!!!""....After the show I kind of felt like going to a frat. but it was cold and I had a HORRIBLE headache so I came back home, watched the end of Two Weeks Notice w/ Meghan and went to bed. Oh, but first I talked to Kate and a very intoxicated Jo for a bit and ate some raman noodles (I hate those things but at the same time I adore them...)

I had planned on doing homework all day today (Sunday) but instead I talked to my mom on the phone for a while, cleaned my room and went to my RHA meeting (that thing is just getting more and more frustrating!!!) Now I'm staring guiltily at A History of Russian Thought and A History of Russia. In my mind's eye I can see Dr. Lohr, stroking his treasured Ph.D. from Harvard while he readjusts his glasses and cackles evilly while grading my ghastly midterm..."Mwahaha! No University of Chicago for Ms. MacVeigh!! LONG LIVE PUTIN!!!" I'm exaggerating on the thing about Putin...Lohr hates and fears Putin (and the entirity of the former KGB I think...) but the rest is pretty accurate. To quote Meghan...DOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, on a happy academic note. Y'all remember my Freud paper? The one I was up till like 3am on a Jamaican-coffee style caffeine high writing? Well, it was either going to be horribly horribly confusing and damn-near-illiterate or amazingly witty. Turned out witty! And thus ends the long and terrible reign of...the 50-50-90 Rule.

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