23 February 2005

Americanization at it's best

This, my friends, is our nation in a nutshell. Posted by Hello

Do you know how badly I wish this was a joke? Do you have even the slightest idea how much pain this advertisement caused me?! If you know me and what I stand for, you probably do.

WB has reached a new low. They've completely run out of ideas and their creators (in order to keep their jobs) came up with the UTTERLY brilliant idea of bringing back the Looney Tunes. Did they release the shows on DVD or reanimate the same characters with new technology? No. That would be FAR TOO CLICHE. Instead, they revamp the characters in a new, sexy and "x-treme" way. They created....*drum roll please* THE LOONATICS. Yes, you heard me. The Loonatics. Somehow they thing that Buggs (or wait...excuse me...BUZZ) Bunny as possessed by SATAN will appeal to the children of today. Let me tell you something. The children of today might be more violent than what we were, they might be more prone to sadisitc activity, but a CARTOON RABBIT WHO LOOKS LIKE BEELZEBUB HIMSELF IS IN CONTROL OF HIS BODY WILL NOT MAKE THEM GIGGLE!!! Not only did they have a piss poor idea, but they can't even come up with a remotely original name to go along with it!

WB has RAPED a great instituion of American youth life! The Looney Tunes were amazing. They were comical to the point of ridculousness and made many a child giggle incessantly. This isn't the first time they (and other corporations) have done this. Remember the Power Rangers? Remember how utterly awesome they were? Then remember the way they changed it, revamped it, to make it appeal to the younger crowds? They RUINED the Power Rangers. But what they're doing to the Looney Tunes is worse. While the Power Rangers were amazing, the Looney tunes are EPIC.

This, my friends, is the direction our nation is going. If the Loonatics represent what is going on now, imagine what it will be like in 20 years when our children are watching cartoons? I shudder to think what THOSE will look like. And the Loonatics is only the beginning. Imagine what they will try to change next. Andy Warhol? Georgia O'Keefe? Emily Dickinson? Robert Frost? Maya Angelou? I, for one, will not go quietly into the night. I will not calmly and passively accept the breakdown of everything I hold near and dear to my heart. I will kick, scream and absolutely refuse to allow such things to happen to our culture. We need to get back to the way things were. Ruining things that are absolutely beautiful and historic is ridiculous. Take stance, reclaim history and the future.

1 comment:

Kat said...

"The children of today might be more violent than what we were, they might be more prone to sadisitc activity, but a CARTOON RABBIT WHO LOOKS LIKE BEELZEBUB HIMSELF IS IN CONTROL OF HIS BODY WILL NOT MAKE THEM GIGGLE!!!"

Oh, Ashley. I love you so much.