13 February 2005

I really wish I could say that this picture was taken during a drunken stupor...but alas it was not. Posted by Hello

We've all had those mornings (or afternoons...whatever) when you've returned to the land of conscious thought and silently declared (or said very loudly) "NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN". However, as most of us know (but few of us admit) we rarely actually mean it. That's said while we are still kicking ourselves while attempting to remember the previous night's activities. My story, should care to continue to read (and you probably don't) is one of fallen through plans, attempts at wandering around a city and far too much rum.

So it's Friday afternoon and I get a call from Jessie declaring that she probably will not be going to Lulu's that night. Earlier both Kat and Sara had decided similarly, though for different reasons. Adam and I decided we still wanted to do something so after declaring that our friends officially sucked, we made the snap decision to get utterly wasted and wander around DC after he got off work. In retrospect, this probably wasn't the best idea (and of course, it was mine). So it's around 11:30 and I'm happily enjoying a rather strong rum and coke, Adam's doing straight rum shots (gave up soda for Lent...oh the irony) and dear, lovely Rob walks in. We invite him to join us in both drinking and wandering. He turns down the drinking (claiming to be sick) but plans to wander with us later. Basically kids, because Rob was pouring our shots we ended up drinking WAY more then we otherwise would have (particuarly Adam). As promised, I drunk dialed Jo and apparently made her chuckle a good bit. Now anyone who's ever gone drinking with me knows that if there's one thing I do when I'm drunk WITHOUT fail is the fact that I LOUDLY declare to anyone who is willing to listen that I am, in fact, "quite sober." This and pretty much anything else I say is in a really really bad British accent. I was so drunk even I admitted that I was drunk. Anyways, after a while we decide it's time to go wander the city. Adam is still moving and speaking fine (though in a notably better British accent) while I am stumbling, stuttering and crashing into walls. Somehow we manage to make it to Tenley and Rob decides to go to Guapo's. Me being me, decide that I want to go with him. God, if you exist, BLESS ADAM. He had the common sense to keep me out of public view and away from anyone who might not have had the best of intentions.

Here's where my memory begins to fail me. Apparently when I got off the shuttle @ Tenley I crashed into the giant grey box things by Hollywood Video. I don't remember that. I think we also did some sort of wandering, though I don't remember that either. What I DO remember is going to 7-11 to warm up. Apparently I was rather loud, red-faced and generally drunken. A cop was sitting outside. Somehow we didn't get arrested and began the trek back to campus. Now here's the real kicker. I DON'T REMEMBER THE WALK AT ALL. I remember being at the 7-11 then I remember passing out in Adam's bed (quiet all of you. Adam's a nice guy who a) doesn't want to do anything w/ me and b) wouldn't even if he did). Honest to god, I don't remember the walk past the Embassies (oh the irony, yet again) or walking past North Side at all.

So this is around 2:30-3am. Next thing that happened was Adam waking me up at 7 saying "Will isn't back. Go sleep in his bed." To which I muttered something and crawled across the room (horribly enough, I was still drunk, the room was spinning), only to pass out again. What did I wake up to next at 10amish? Care to guess? Will's face (with an ENORMOUSLY amused grin on it) about 5 inches from mine. I think I asked something along the lines of "do you want your bed back?" To which Will (who is now DEFINITELY awesome) said "No! Not at all. Just go back to sleep. I'm just going to get a movie." I think I muttered "Thanks Will. You're awesome. I love you" and got a chuckle and "I love you too, mi casa es su casa" in return.

A bit after that, Adam and I went to TDR (he could actually eat...I got about a half a bowl of Fruit Loops in me before I decided it wasn't worth it). Then I went to collect my roommate (someone told me she locked herself out the night before and was waiting for me to return..only I didn't). Fortunately Megs found her keys and was asleep when I returned to pass out in my own bed for a while.

Basically...I think the quote that pretty much defines Friday night/Saturday morning happened Saturday afternoon when I was wandering around the mall with Adam...

Me (slightly horrified/shocked): "THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?!?!?!??!"
Adam: *laughs ass off*

1 comment:

c said...

1) Ash will keep drinking
2) mmmm soda...
3) I agree with Kate
4) I told Roxanne you walked 3 miles home drunk and she was just shaking her head...
5) hahahahaha