22 May 2005

Friction, Baby- Better Than Ezra (I have an entire CD stuck in my head and I want to cut off my ears, stuff my mouth with garlic and rip off head)...

...mad props if you get this reference...if you don't, well, your loss...

So, after going sailing with Dave today I've come to the conclusion..sailing is pretty damn awesome but I really should have drank at least some water, when I got back home I had mild dehyrdration and had to crash for a few hours...all the while mom was poking me saying "Are you OK? Do you need anything? ASHLEY! Wake up! There's a special on the history channel about King Tutenkhamen and they have evidence proving that he wasn't murdered! COME OUT OF YOUR STUPOR AND WATCH IT WITH ME!" I heart my mum.

Anyways...when I finally woke up, my dad was back inside from working out in the yard all day doing something vague and noble that no one but him really understands the true importance and significance of. It was the first time I'd seen him all day and I was astonished by how ridiculously tired the poor man looks...you know the line from..who...Coleridge? The Elegy Guy? I'm not sure...one of the hundreds of British poets....anyways...he said "The world is too much with me" and that pretty much sums of the appearance of my dad...very haggard, I was incredibly shocked. I think it's always kind of hard when you realize that your parents, just like everyone else, are mortal human beings who make mistakes. Between keeping up a full time job and doing so much work to the house...the man is more or less exhausted all the time...

Anyways, I'm starting to ramble..the point of this is to inform pretty much everyone that my parent's are officially planning to sell the house next spring at the latest. By "sell" obviously I mean put on the market...but if the fact that we've already had offers on it and we've never even had it up for sale before is any indication, chances are it'll go pretty fast. As of yet my parents aren't sure where they're moving...so while there's a chance they'll stay in York, there's also the chance they'll move to Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

Oddly enough, I'm actually really glad for this. I'm sorry but the simple fact of the matter is that WE DO NOT NEED AS MUCH SPACE AS WE HAVE. I'm in DC most of the year, and this is probably going to be my last FULL summer in Pennsylvania, regardless of where my parents end up living (I'll be in France for half of next summer and after that I'll be starting work on 2 theses, and I gotta say...the Library of Congress is a hell of a lot better than Martin Memorial...). The amount of living space per person in this house is simply ridiculous.

So basically...while I will certainly miss some of the memories attached to this house (aka my dad nearly burning it down, sending Ben and Rich out to "fetch" Cody that one time at New Years, swimming in the moonlight, learning how to reverse in and out of the garage, bringing home Cody for the first time and letting him stumble into my mom and dad's bedroom, so he could win over my dad, my druggie neighbors stealing the change out of my car) I've come to realize this year, it's not where you live, it's who you live with. All those memories are more attached to the people than to the place and those I shall carry with me forever.

Good bye, not-so-beloved-at-all Oakwood Estates (though I will certainly miss some of my neighbors), too often have I feared "accidently" driving my car into one of the gates in a fit of rage...no longer shall you taunt me every time I forget my clicker and have to schlepp the half mile back to my house...Now my daddy will get a chance to sleep...

1 comment:

c said...

I veto the North Carolina idea. Why North Carolina anyhow? Regardless you are required to spend your winter break and at least half of your summer breaks in York so we can see ya kiddo. I totally understand selling the house though. That place is pretty huge for two people and a dog, especially when the dog just lives in the garage.