26 November 2005

The possibility of Adam Sandler (small and Jewish) as one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL amuses me endlessly. Also, Burt Reynolds looks ridiculously like my uncle Davis and I had a dream where I married Billy Bob Thorton.

Yeah...I'm watching the Longest Yard and, much as I despise myself for it, am liking it a lot. Maybe enough to buy it, only time will tell on that particular matter. And by time, clearly what I mean is bank account.

Thanksgiving has been incredibly restful and relaxing and my nerves are slowly returning to me, but then again I also haven't re-started the paper for Bennett's class yet. I honestly don't know if it's in me to write this thing. At any rate, once I'm back in DC, I'm going to see a psychologist specializing in traumatic experiences I'll be well on my way to recovery. Next few weeks are going to be hell though. History/Philosophy of Criminology and Anthropology papers are due on the same day. My final for Morabito is probably going to take hours to do properly.

On a brighter note, Harry Potter was excellent. I highly recommend it.

21 November 2005

Just to clarify the cryptic and depressing away messages..

"Man, 23, Found Fatally Shot in Head in NW. A 23-year-old man was found shot to death about 9:30p.m. Saturday night in the 5800 block of 7th Avenue NW [on the corner of 7th and Nicholson, to be precise]. Antoine Womack, of the 6000 block of North Dakota Ave NE, died from an apparent gunshot to the head, authorities said. Police urged anyone with information to call the detectives at..."

That's a blurb from today's (Monday) edition of the Washington Post. It's significance? I was on my police ride along Saturday night. That happened in my district. Are you catching on yet? I was there. I was on the scene of that homicide. I saw his body.

Trauma doesn't even begin to describe how I feel, and I'm not going to be OK with this for a long time. Dr. Bennett says he still has flashbacks from the homicides he worked as a cop. I'm having nightmares, and I can't get the images out of my head. But I have appointments with the counseling center, and I'm going to try to talk to Captain Williams. In short, I'm starting the road to recovery, but it's not going to be pretty.

Most people go their entire lives without seeing death, let alone such a violent death as this one. Hell, most cops never work a homicide case in their entire careers. I'm 20 and this is my life. Someday I'll look back on this day and say "that was the start of the next part of my life, I'm glad I saw that, for it's helped make me who I am today." But you know what? Today's not that day. Tomorrow's probably not going to be that day either, and if I had the chance to take back Saturday night, with no memories, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

19 November 2005

Purifying the liquids...

So...after having to bail on Kat for a late movie in Georgetown (I have to be up really early tomorrow), I was pretty sad and looking forward to a really boring evening full of NOTHING. But Jeff came over to hang out for a while...and that was cool...then his friend Silby joined and we ended up playing pool and watching Dr. Strangelove. Damn good movie, damn good stories.

At any rate...yeah...I'm fairly certain Steve the Pirate 3 is officially dead now. It's saying I have like 8 bars of service, but the "Cingular" sign isn't showing in the screen and when people try to call me they get "nothing." New phone is at home waiting for me. I'm NEVER buying an LG again.

18 November 2005

OK, it appears as though I've offended some people with my last entry. I'd like to go ahead and re-state that what I said was NOT said with malicious intent and I'm truly sorry if it was taken that way. Guys from home, y'all mean a lot to me, you always have and you always will. You're good people, and I cherish the memories we have together. Y'all mean a lot to me and, again, I'm truly sorry.

14 November 2005

Blues on the Bayou

Overall, Philly was amazing. It was good to see Jo, meet some of her friends, and get away from the pressure of class and general stress that comes along with living in such a politically charged city. However, I am glad to be back. On the ride home, I slept for a while, and when I woke up the first thing I saw was the Capitol, lit up and glorious, and it brought a huge smile to my face.

On a quick note before I get down to the point behind this entry...I'm just going to say, quite simply, my phone should NEVER be with me when I drink. Ever again.

Anyways, so I had some time to think on the way home and I started pondering friendships, relationships and the like. For the most part, my high school ties have more or less dissipated in the year and change I've been away from York. I'll chat with a few people occasionally, see some over breaks, but that bond is gone. For a long time I really struggled over this, constantly questioning why I didn't understand the people who had once mattered to me so much, why I no longer craved their company. I've ultimately come to the conclusion that for the most part, my friendships in high school were situational. We were all in a similar place, had some things in common and formed friendships over that. The reason for this? I was more or less closed off from everyone in York. I don't know why, maybe it was fear of being judged and deemed not worthy enough, but whatever it was, I let very few (maybe 2 or 3 all together) know who I was truly was and what I was truly like.

I take complete responsibility for this. Hindsight is 20/20 and looking back, I was foolish and overly self conscious. But I also can't change the past and it is the way it is. Towards the end (I'd say sophomore year and after) I opened up a lot more to a select few people. Not so coincidently, those are the people I'm still close with now. Those people know me (and I know them) incredibly well and I can honestly just list off their characteristics that I like, cherish and admire. Interestingly enough, that's something I can do for every person at college that I consider a close friend, and I think they can do the same for me. Why? Because I opened myself up, I let people get to know the real me and in the process I was able to get to know the real personalities of other people.

So what does this all mean? It means that I'm growing up. Slowly I'm developing more self confidence (thanks in large part to my roommate tactifully informing me of my utter dependence on others, rather then myself). The fact that this process started in high school with a few people, and continues with them, makes me really proud. I'm glad that I recognized (at least subconsciously) what I was doing and did something to change it. Do I wish I could have this with everyone? Hell yeah, but like I said, hindsight is 20/20.

I was discussing this with my mom while waiting for the bus. And she remarked that she found it odd that the 2 people from York that I'm still close to were the ones she thought would be the first to go, because I'd known them the least amount of time. I guess, at the end of it all, it came down to quality vs quantity. A lot of time is not necessarily quality time. Again, I take complete responsbility for this. It's my fault that my friendships were so shallow, because of my own insecurities.

I think the reason I no longer crave those shallow relationships is because I know so much more of deeper relationships, of other people truly knowing who I am and what I'm all about and vice versa, and how much more fulfilling they are.

So...to all from high school and York in general...cheers to every last one of you. You've all help shape who I am today, and I thank you for that. This is in no way, shape or form good bye. It's just me entering into a different realization, a different era of my evolution as a person.

To the two Yorkers (and you know who you are) who knew me way back then, and accepted me as I was, and continue to put up with me...Words really can't describe you, so I'm not even going to try. But let's just say I'm looking forward to a lot of late night conversations over nothing and making a lot of memories.

To newest additions to my life...the college and DC people...Well...thank god you guys know me now as opposed to knowing me in high school. I don't think you would have put up with my closed, confused self for even one minute. I have issues, I'm working on them. But like I said, I can list off the reasons why I love you guys and I'd be more then happy to list it off to you. I'm seeing a lot of great things in all of your futures, and I'm just honestly glad that I've gotten the opportunity to befriend all of you. And I'm amazed that you, in turn, call me a friend as well. If I had a glass, I'd raise it for you, for your pasts, presents and futures, for the memories we have made and will make.

Cheers, mates. My hat (fedora) goes off to all of you for where you're going, and how you've changed my life.

08 November 2005

Crack Cocaine? Powder Cocaine? WHAT?!

Things that will cause me to buy an AK 47 and use it on my own foot if I'm forced to read one more page about OR hear mentioned aloud (say, in a lecture):

10. The Eras of Policing...
9. Police and citizens as co producers of safety
8. Community Oriented Policing
7. Robert Peel or Herman Goldstein
6. The UCR or NCVS
5. Broken Windows
4. Crime correlates
3. Rehabilitation vs. Retribution
2. Civilianization

and finally...the piece de resistance...Nom Une...

The Crack Cocaine Epidemic

Nothing but love for justice...but I won't lie...I'm ready for my specialized classes (Organized Crime, Victimology, etc)

06 November 2005

Just a brief update...

...to let you know...

At the GWU tournament, I got #1 speaker in a round, and vastly improved my speaker points. Excuse me while I dance on the graves of all who ever doubted me!

They don't really make a "Sorry-Your-Dodgeball-Coach-Just-Got-Crushed-By-Two-Tons-of-Irony" Hallmark card, do they?

This is the Ampitheatre, last winter. What does the picture mean? Does it mean that somehow, I've decided winter isn't so bad after all? No, not really. It just means that I'm really disturbed/annoyed by the fact that it's 70 degrees out...in November...and my room is a damn sauna.
Yeah...it really is way too warm. This weather wouldn't be bothering me at all...except for the fact that they switched the AC to heat about 2 weeks ago and, as my room has direct sunlight for a good portion of the day, it is absurdly hot in here.
So, this weekend has turned out to be significantly less crazy then it was supposed to be. I don't know if this is good or bad, so I'm simply going to say that it is...yeah. Friday was the first 3 rounds of the GW tournament...overall, I'm really happy with how well my speaking is coming along, but I have to say, best line of all night "Rogue Agents? Yeah...this isn't the movies...James Bond is cool and everything but...COME ON!"
At any rate...I was fully ready to head back to GW today to finish our last 2 rounds before darting up to Takoma for my JLS field experience. However, Kat woke up this morning unable to talk so debating was kind of out of the question. I could have ironmanned it, but there was no shot of breaking and even if I managed to, I would have been slaughtered first round. So, GW fell through and I got to sleep till 11. Cool. Had brunch w/ Adam before heading up to Takoma.
Now, I feel it very necessary to clarify here. Takoma is almost in Maryland, it's about a 45 minute metro ride. We were given instructs to call the HQ to ensure that they had enough officers to let us ride with them. I would like to point out that I did call, but was told that they wouldn't know until just before 3 o'clock.
So...headed all the way up to Takoma, only to call and be told that...hey...guess what! Can't go today, too many people called in sick.
Gleh. Whatever, kinda sucks, but thus goes life. Head back home to chill, grab dinner, etc.
As I'm getting on the shuttle to head back to campus from the metro, I somehow TRIP and fall. Do I fall into the aisle? No, I wish. I fell smack into the bus driver. So...in addition to looking like I was giving the bus driver a blow job, I bruised my shoulder pretty badly. I was wearing a black cami and a black button down earlier, and it actually hurt just to have the strap of my tank and the shirt of my sleeve brushing up against it. I have decided blame my flip flops for this unfortunate incident.
In short, I heart ice packs.
Philly next weekend.
Donde esta la biblioteca?

04 November 2005

So, after a bit of aggravation and a lot of note cards, I've pieced together a schedule for next semester.

Time: Class (Professor)

12:45-2: Moral Philosophy (Reiman)
3:35-4:50: Theatre: Principles, Plays and Performance (who the fuck cares?)
5:30-8: Organized Crime (Peterson)


11:20-2: Cities and Crime (Kane)
5:30-8: Critical Social Thought (Lengermann)

12:45-2: Moral Philosophy (Reiman)
3:35-4:50: Theatre: Principles, Plays and Performance (again, who the fuck cares?)


So...3 block classes, 2 normal classes...
...2 JLS (major) classes...
...3 Gen Ed classes...

For the AUers out there...let's just go ahead and put this out there...my professors for next semester? KICK ASS. As everyone in the JLS dept knows, Kane is amazing. Basically, if I wanted to, I could get away with murder. I know how to pull it off, and how to hide it. Plus that "faith in the justice system" stuff that they shove down your throats in Civics classes? LIES! All of it. The system sucks and while I do intend to use my ability to fight the suckiness, I can maniulate it to my own ends as well. Do you know what Kane's going to teach me? He's going to teach me how to do pot in the middle of Federal Triangle..and get away with it! He's going to teach me how to walk down Conneticut Ave with an AK 47..and get off on misdemeanor charges! EVER SO MUCH GLORY!

And Reiman...words really can't describe Reiman...oh wait! YES THEY CAN! COMMUNIST!!

Also..your eyes did not deceive you. I have 2 free days (one being Friday). Never do I have to be awake before 11, and most of my classes are after 12. I only have 1 day where I have 3 classes, all the rest are 2. Oh it's going to be beautiful. Ever so beautiful.

*cackles and runs off into the night*

02 November 2005

The Whole Nine Yards...

...STORY TIME!!!...

Rewind to last night, at 5:30. I schlepp to Ward for my Policing in America block lecture. Yadda yadda yadda. I take the quiz and sit there, happily text messaging away while we wait for the guest lecture (Brett Parson of the MPD) to get there.

Background: Brett is the head of MPD's special Gay/Lesbian task force. They deal with everything from community relations to homicides, and he's actually a pretty cool guy. Very typical cop. Loud, "fuck" is every other word out of his mouth, and incredibly amusing.

So, Brett's pretty cool and he tells some stories to illustrate the points about his job that he's trying to make. Suddenly he stops and looks intently around the room, before focusing on me. The following conversation ensues...

Brett: Hi Ashley
Ashley: Hi Brett.
Brett: How are you?
Ashley: Fine thanks, yourself?
Brett: Pretty damn good. Now, you've got...what do you call it...dirty blonde hair? It's dirty? Yeah..not saying that you're dirty, maybe you are, I don't know..but your hair...dirty blonde, right?
Ashley: Right
Brett: Kinda thick and wavy?
Ashley: I suppose so.
Brett: Wearing a a skirt? Pretty short?
Ashley: Uhh...yeah..*increasingly uncomfortable*
Brett: Make up? Little bit?
Ashley: Masscara *waves in the general facial area*
Brett: Boobs? Those yours, right? I mean, I assume they are, but you could have had a boob job or something, right?
Ashley: *blinks in shock, glances at Professor Morabito, who looks horrified. Coughs* Yeah...they're...uh...mine
Brett: OK people, so take a good look at Ashley here. Now imagine that you're a cop. It's 2 in the morning and you're patrolling New York Ave when suddenly a car shoots by like a bat out of hell. You turn on the lights...and you're getting excited...because you know, lights are awesome. And you pull the car over. Inside sits someone who looks a lot like Ashley...very clearly female...and you ask for license, registration and proof of insurance. You look down at the license, shine the light on it, and see, very clearly under sex a giant "M." Well...what exactly do you do here? There's what appears to be a woman in the car...but on the license...there's a MAN?! WHAT THE HELL?!?! Well...I can tell you what to do...but I'd rather tell you what NOT to do...and do you know what that is? You do NOT yank the driver out of the car, at GUN POINT, and scream "DO YOU HAVE A DICK OR NOT!?" at them. That results in a 5 million dollar harassment suit against the District of Columbia.

So...yeah...apparently there's a transvestite running around New York Ave that looks a hell of a lot like me.

Adam thinks that I pray to the gods of fate and ask for this weird crap to happen to me. I think they just happen to hate me.

01 November 2005

Did you ever feel the pain? In the morning rain...as it soaks in to the bone?

I really feel bad for Lisa and Taryn (my neighbors). I listen to Oasis almost constantly when Kat's not here and, hey, the walls are paper thin. Lisa's a science major of some sort (bio or biochemistry, I'm not sure) and I don't ever want to be the object of her wrath. She's very nice, but I can definitely see her going crazy, charging me down with some hand made Anthrax screaming "LIVE FOREVER?!?!? NO! Don't think so! You're going to die, NOW, and then the fire in your heart really will be out!!!"


So, Happy November all! I hope you all went trick or treating, or at the very least drank yourself into an oblivion. I did both this year, good times. I'll post pics sometime this week. But I do have enough candy to get me through finals now. Yay for that.

That aside, I think I've come up with an idea for a combined justice and anthropology thesis, should I decide to do a second major in Anthropology. After my test today, we were watching original footage videos from the liberation of the concentration camps. Words can't describe these images, so I'm not even going to try. But afterwards, we were discussing civic denial and I got to thinking about Inspector Kline's lecture. It was supposed to be on Broken Windows Theory but he ended up talking more about Stockholm Syndrome, mostly because it involves the most glamorous aspects of policing, as opposed to the nitty gritty. This led my thoughts off into "Hmm...I wonder if there were any instances of Stockholm Syndrome in the survivors of the Holocaust...I bet there were in the indirect authority structures (block leaders, runners, snitches, etc)..." A quick conversation with Dr. Schafft confirmed my theory, citing a reference where at least 2 of the block leaders indicated signs of Stockholm Syndrome (though I'm not sure it was officially titled that at the time...hell, I'm not even sure if it was officially identified as such during the liberation). So, I'm thinking that I'd really like to do a massive, full scale investigation into Stockholm as a possible means for minor civic denial, and also just an investigation of those who exhibited the signs of it.
