12 March 2005

And the votes for "Most Likely to be Sexually Accosted in a Parking Lot" are in and the winner is..

...ME!!!!!!! Let the happy dancing begin, I've won a prize! What is that prize, you may ask? A brand new STD ALL OF MY VERY OWN!!! *weeping* Now my syphilis won't have to be alone anymore...I'm so excited!!

Yeah. Right. Sure. It's a long story and I don't feel like posting an insanely long, ranty entry yet again (can you believe it? Me, not in the mood for ranting? The world must be ending, I think Satan just fell on his ass while ice skating). Basically I feared being sexually assaulted in a Wal-Mart parking on Monday night. Afterwards, because I felt better talking on the phone as I walked back to Satan's Den, I called Adam. His brother answered and tried to convince me he was actually Adam. Jarrod is QUITE an amusing chap though I'm fairly convinced he could not have been entirely sober during our small conversation, no matter what Adam claims.

I won't post on the visit to Dickinson until I get back to the District where I can upload pictures. But let's just say it was a great time.

And the primary reason for the post...

1) Visiting Benj @ Gettysburg tonight.
2) Riding lesson w/ Erin before that.
3) Jimmy Eat World and Taking Back Sunday are playing @ my school on April 20 (this is definitely cause for some serious happy dancing)
4) FREEDOM (I quit my job at Wendy's...another long, ranty story that concluded w/ me skipping through the Satan's Den parking lot (post near assault experience) screaming "FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM!!" at the top of my lungs).

On that note, my friends, as you quake in fear of me, I leave you. AUers- until Sunday. Yorkers- until Summer.


1 comment:

c said...

YORKERS ROCK!!! Even if there's nothing to do in York! Go Walmart?