13 June 2005

Reason Number 859 to Escape Oakwood Estates

For those of you who are not aware of a situation that has been brewing since mid April, let me enlighten you...
...in the early afternoon in mid-April (before I was home) my mom was walking my dog (Cody). For those of you unfamiliar with my house/neighborhood...let me detail...there's pretty much two nice areas to walk a dog around here...on the road or along the fence line of the Henry's property (which is about 6 acres and has a pretty expansive fence). Typically, I walk Cody on the road, because it's longer and that way I might get to stop and chat with one of the 4 or 5 families of this god forsaken neighborhood that I actually like and get along with. My mom, however; choses to walk along the fence. So, it's a pretty well known fact that when I'm at school my mom walks Cody down this fence, at the same time, every day. It's also a well known fact that Cody wears a) a 6 ft leash attached to a collar and b) a shocker collar with my mom holding the controller in her hand. Cody's settled down a lot in his old age and the shock collar is only used when he decided to get crazy and chase a rabbit, so it's more for effect than anything else, but make no mistake, it works if it's needed...
...now, y'all know Cody. He's kind of...intimidating and frightening, though at heart he's actually a pansy. For the most part, if he's off of his own property (and doesn't feel the need to defend it) he's OK with humans but not particularly fond of other dogs. So, when Cody's walking (at the same time, every day, everyone in my neighborhood knows this) people don't let their dogs run free in their yards...
...anyways, April. My mom is following her usual habit, walking Cody along he fence and is behind the Hoeft's yard when the Waltz's Great Danes (Sook and Bower) come tearing out of the door to the house like hell itself is on their heels and run immediately over to Cody. Cody freaked out. As I said, he doesn't like other dogs and Sook and Bower were barking and yapping and jumping all over him and my mom. Cody, feeling the need to protect my mom ripped the leash out of her hand and proceeded to chase Sook/Bower back to their own yards (remember, they were all on the Hoefts property at this point)...
...it's for odd situations like this that we have the shock collar. Mom gave Cody a quick jolt that made him jump and snap his jaws a bit. Unfortunately, his teeth nicked Sook's side and she started SCREAMING. Literally. Mom got Cody quickly under control again and brought him back to our house, before going to the Waltz's to check on Sook...

Now, you may ask, if everyone knows that Cody is going to be out this time of day, what kind of morons must the Waltz's be to let their dogs out of the house, without leashes, invisible fences or actual fences, while he's in plain sight? Don't get me wrong, the Waltz's are morons, but in a much less direct way. They were on vacation and their dog walker apparently decided to be lazy at her job and just let them out on their own without supervision. Apparently she was not informed that the dogs were not to be let out of the house while Cody was out and apparently she thinks it's OK to just let dogs roam around free without anyone watching them. Yep. She's an idiot.

At this point both my parents have expressed their concern over Sook's well being and about 2 days later my parent's get an incredibly rude voicemail from Beth Waltz stating, in her incredibly haughty voice, that this situation was entirely our fault and that they would bring the vet bill over immediately for full compensation. Mum immediately called Beth stating that full compensation was ridiculous to ask as, obviously, they themselves were partially at fault (or at least their dog walker was), however, they were willing to pay half the bill. At this point Bob Waltz, kind of the Jackasses, storms over, THREATENS TO SHOOT MY DOG and nearly breaks our front door from slamming it (I was only recently informed of this). Yep. That's right. You heard me. Threatening our property (Cody) and damaging our front door. Congratulations, you know nothing of diplomacy, Dr. Waltz.

Despite the verbal threats, my dad still wanted to do the right thing and pay for half the bill. So, he left a check for $50.00 in their mailbox along with a note saying that he wasn't sure what our half of the total was, but if the amount exceeded $50.00 we would gladly pay it. This was about 2 weeks ago. Earlier tonight my dad walked over to the Waltz's and asked Bob if he had received the check, as we had no indication from him that he had. Bob's reply was (without any pleasantries or even a glance up from the work he was doing) and I quote "Yes but my lawyer says I have to return it to you."

For those of you who need this spelled out...they're sueing my family for full compensation for the vet bill.


Who DOES this!? Don't these people have any class or integrity? Character? Ever heard of that? I guess not. I mean, we are referring to the family who wrote the Curry's (who are genuinely good human beings) an absolutely horrible threatening note, didn't even sign it and stuck it in their mailbox in the middle of the night. The Waltz's didn't even have the courage to say those things to Mr. Curry's face and wouldn't even admit that he wrote the letter but let Col. Meighen take the fall for him. Seriously, this is something I'd expect from TRAILER TRASH, not supposedly intelligent doctors (and yes, Bob Waltz is a doctor. Apparently all that caffeine he drank to get through his MCATs affected his brain).

This is seriously pissing me off, I'm going to have to go to court because of this. Do you realize how insanely embarassing that is going to be? I have no doubt that the case will be dismissed or at best we'll be ordered to pay part of the vet bill (which the letter and check clearly indicate that we were planning to) but it is literally a mockery of basic human decency for my family to have to go and stand there while Bob rants his little redneck head off. Can you say defamation of character? I can just see the judge laughing his ass off at this whole situation in his chambers and I get so pissed off its not even funny. My dad and I are going to have to take off work for this fiasco, more then likely.

You know what? This isn't just a mockery of basic human decency. It's a mockery of the justice system. While there's murderers, rapists and drug dealers wandering free or waiting to be prosecuted, we're wasting the judge's time and tax payer's money so that El Presidente de la Jackasses can indulge in his ego fest and bullying habits. BAH.

Oh...on another note...Jacko got off scott free. Yay for ridiculously good lawyers who charge ridiculously high prices even though they could be putting their service towards people who actually are innocent and can't afford decent representation. Apparently there's a tribute to today on his website as one of the days which will go down in infamy as a fight for civil rights. Yep, you heard me, according to Mr. Jacko himself, today, 6.13.05, will go down in history as a great day for humanity, right along side the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the release from incarceration of Nelson Mandela. Excuse me while I go padlock my nephews into their room so you can't touch them and give them alcohol.

So..all in all...
Idiots: 3947292749273732
Basic Human Decency/Justice: -2


Kat said...

Ahhh... this whole entry just leaves me with this content feeling... you know the one, where you're sitting back looking at the rest of humanity going "Man, I'm glad I'm not one of them."

c said...

Awww poor Cody :-/
Will your neighbors write the judge saying that they keep their dogs in for Cody? Haha to you and your hidden gated community tucked into the heart of the oh so lovely town of... RED LION???