22 August 2005

Irony is just hypocrisy in drag...

This weekend I...
~Heard the line "I haven't seen you since you were *insert random amount of measurement here* big!" approximately 83 times.
~Listened to a really bad Christian rock band first proclaim their undying love for God...then immediately proceed to playing Britney Spears' "best hits"
~Was woken up at 7 in the morning by screaming children
~Was told repeatedly that I looked exactly like my mother/grandmother and my sister (except my mother/grandmother and my sister look NOTHING alike)
~Was told that I could not drive my car 2 miles home because I'd had a glass of Chianti and a sip or two of Corona and Smirnoff...4 hours and 2 bottles of water after the actual alcohol consumption took place...(this, I found more amusing than anything else...)
~Was hit on by a 90 year old man...who was a friend of my grandfather...
~Watched 2 of my great aunts (aged appx. 70-75 years old) dance to "Hollaback Girl"
~Listened as 2 aforementioned great aunts had, for lack of a better term, a smackdown with my great Uncle Ralph. Later laughed as great Uncle Ralph more or less ran away, cowering in fear.

Yep, that's right people...this weekend was my annual family reunion...one day I'm going to secretly videotape this annual event...just as proof that things like this actually happen...

...Rasputin arrived today and he is aammaazziinngg. Completely worth the summer of hell to get him...

To my AU darlings...I'm not coming back to school till Saturday morning as my Uncle Danny and Aunt Joanne have decided to stay with us until Friday night...sorry loves...I thought I'd be able to get down there on Thursday or Friday at the latest...Le sigh...I may return to school muttering some nonsense about my Uncle Danny but..once again, I shall return with some fantastic stories...

I'm beginning to think I'm a bit of a whore...with my blog...I change my title all the time...I think the longest I've ever had one title was "Time Alone Is Good, I Spend My Days in the City" and that was a few months at best...Alas, there is an actual story behind this new title, it's not some random song lyric (because, I mean...then it would have to be a country lyric...and we all know I don't listen to country...oh wait...that's a lie since I just ripped Kenny Rogers onto Rasputin...but he has such a nice beard, how could I refuse?)

If anyone besides the Great Baba Nagusch gets that reference...well, clearly you've risen above the lowly level of stalker and have officially infiltrated my thoughts...damn the hippies and their Freedom of Information Act!

And now, before I lose my collection of min...I mean friends...I'm just going to tais toi...


...In da club with mah homies...

1 comment:

Kat said...

That's a lie since I just ripped Kenny Rogers onto Rasputin...but he has such a nice beard, how could I refuse?

Hmm... if "Freudian" means you subconsciously want to <3 your mother in a back alley... what adjective describes a subconscious <3age for your dad?

Also... only I am in the club with homies... you are not nearly ghetto enough to pull off "homies." Not, of course, that I am.

You work those 90-year-old men!