As many times as I have been to the Cathedral, I've never been inside. Today, that changed. Let me just go on the record that I have never quite felt so dead inside as when I was in this place. Despite it's beauty, grandeur and OPULENCE, I felt nothing spiritual whatsoever. For the first time in about four or five years, I said an Our Father (without being prompted to do so).
The Nat'l Cathedral gives off the distinct impression of being the embodiment of the nouveau riche movement. It desperately attempts to mimic Notre Dame, and fails horribly in the process, drowning somewhere in the Siene. All through the place there are placques that say something along the lines of "This part of the NATIONAL CATHEDRAL was built by the will and grace of God, but paid for by *insert wealthy, pompous asshole here*" I felt dirty and disgusted walking through that place, despite it's beauty, as I thought about how much money people donated to have their bodies laid to rest in the Cathedral. If you can get ANY rest with a bunch of high schoolers sitting on your coffin during lunch (I am NOT exaggerating here. St Alban's and NCS both have functioning classroom's in the Cathedral itself). But more than anything else, I just felt completely devoid of any spirituality inside that place. And that made me so incredibly sad, simply because it's a shame to see something built for a specific purpose (to inspire) and fail miserably in doing so. To use personification, it's like watching someone through their life away.
OK, you can all stop crying now. There IS an upside to this story. After lighting candles for my deceased grandparents (all of them now) and for my deceased uncle, Adam and I wandered outside, where we stumbled upon a garden.
This garden, completely unlike the rest of the area, almost looks neglected, despite being very well manicured. And therein lies the appeal of this place. Despite being overshadowed by one of the most overwhelming buildings in the city, it stands alone, complete separate. At times I almost forgot that it was the Cathedral shielding my eyes from the sunlight. Here, I found peace and much sought after connection to something greater than I. Just in the smell and feel of the wind, the close cropped grass or the hedges, there I felt my insignificance yet utter importance for the first time in a long time. To say the least, it was kind of amazing.
I slowly work my away towards being somewhat a pantheist. Help me.