06 January 2006

Well, due to the insanity of the past few weeks, my dad forgot to pay the cell phone bill. Can't really blame him, to say the least, he's had a lot on his mind. At any rate, my phone should be re-connected in 2 days but until then, if you need to get in touch with me you have a few options...

1) Call my house line. 717 755 2194. I'm not home a lot, and I can't really say any particular time of the day is better than another, but hey, ya never know, you could get lucky.
2) Email me. ashley.macveigh@gmail.com. This is probably your best bet, I'll try to check my email 2x/day.
3) AIM. macashsar. Not online a ton, and my connection sucks so I usually get kicked off when I put up an away message for extended periods of time but if you can, go for it.
4) If all else fails, and you've exhausted every other resource known to man including renting a private jet and flying over my house and/or holding a seance, you can facebook me.

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