01 January 2006

A very heartful and cheerful Happy 2006 to all of you this New Years morning. A drunk almost hit me this morning driving home. Is it wrong that I almost wish he had? I kinda want a new car...

I won't lie, I feel more relaxed now that all the holidays I celebrate are officially done with until July...Holidays make me uptight and anxious. C'est la vie...

At any rate...out of boredom...here you go...

Top Memories of 2005 (in no particular order):
1) The three day long celebration that was my birthday this year. Particularly dinner w/ Kat and Carey. Cheesecake anyone?
2) California from the summer. Yes, I did walk into that wearing a giant hat that said fuck with my head.
3) Philly in November. I was, in fact, so drunk I couldn't stand up.
4) One particular Halloween party. If you're supposed to be Asian, why are you so tall?
5) Breaking Benjamin concert w/ Shea last...what...March? What it is to Burn has not and never will be the same again.
6) Getting stranded in Dupont w/ Kat. Learning that I would, in fact, rather walk 30 blocks in the pouring rain in a short skirt then ask for change from strangers. That taxi had it coming.
7) That one night in Georgetown w/ Kat when we got hit on by every drunk guy in a 3 mile radius. Come home with me so I can rape you! Why are you touching me?!?!
8) Baltimore in September. That's right, we danced in the streets to The Killers and middle aged men should never wear spandex. Ever.
9) Freeing myself from the Oppression of hair dryers. This isn't really a memory so much as something to celebrate.
10) Sledding in the ampitheatre last semester on TDR trays. It was a lot warmer out when we were drunk
11) Drinking w/ Adam and Rob and attempting to go monumenting that one night last February...even though Rob tried to rape us, and I don't remember a good bit of the night, thinking of this will always make me smile.
12) GWU debate. Ash and Kat (Opposition) vs 2 UPenners (Government). They propose a really well thought out case about early warning systems and de-activation technologies. Ash and Kat have no idea what they're talking about, they shoot down attempts at a counter case. Ash stands up to do her Member of Opp speech without the slightest idea of what she is going to say. Rambles for 8 minutes about the absurdity of all of their arguments, the climax of her argument being "And finally...they mention the idea of "rogue agents." Come on now, really, this isn't a James Bond movie. What is the liklihood of some bitter intelligence officer sparking nuclear war? Do you really think these countries haven't already prepared for this highly unlikely event? I think not and it is in my opinion that such a small problem isn't worth the sacrifice of the US monopoly on nuclear technology." That night...my soul died...but it was worth it.
13) What happens in Anderson 348 STAYS in Anderson 348. I wish. Someone...probably Rach...is going to tell that story at my wedding.

All in all...a great year...but now I'm ready to tackle what comes next.

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