Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, the return of the infamous Plague has mysteriously coincided with my glorious return to the North. Luckily I've got some Penacillin left over from having my wisdom tooth taken out. Incidently, I was supposed to take them all but panicked when I reacted so badly to the vicodin and just stopped taking everything. Dammit, I do NOT miss those hallucinations.
After spending about a day and a half in Pennsylvania after South Carolina/Tennessee, I went to DC for a few days to work.
Now the drive down to DC is seldom entertaining and never life threatening, but this time was clearly the exception. Let's just say that the area we were driving around in was poverty stricken like its hot and I was abandoned in the parking lot of a McDonalds. I shall not mention the name of the person responsible for this, mostly out of spite. You know who you are. I know where you live and I will get you back one day. Then there was the glorious discovery that M Street dead ends somewhere around Georgia Avenue...into a dirt pile and, also, that there's a street in DC called, I kid you not, Quackenbob Road. Also, people around Howard U are so fond of Eddie Murphy that they named a road after him...incidently I'm pretty sure they misspelled his name.
Having finally gotten into a part of town that was neither life threatening nor absolutely lacking in parking, I hopped the metro to head to Dupont for lunch...only to have my pants eaten by the damn escalator.
Fast forward a few hours and a few hysterics later and I'm hanging out with some rather amazing chicas and then proceeded to finally settle in for the night at James' where some mild debauchery took place. And by mild debauchery what I mean is having my ribs crushed by 6'5" Scottish man who clearly hates his life so much he's dying to encourage me to put another vendetta on his head. I'd like to point out that my last name is MacVEIGH for the love of god and there is no one on the planet who is less Jewish than me. Or less Mexican.
My plans for working in DC for a few days fell apart rather unceremoniously and, to say the least, I was unhappy. Frustrated and angry, I left DC to go to Avon to relax/chill/sunbathe for about a week. And relax/chill/sunbathe I did. I'm now pretty much as tan as I (being horrifically Scottish) can get, and despite a rather unpleasant train ride and coming home to constantly feuding parents, I'm pretty damn mellow.
This mellow-itude is not particularly characteristic to me. If I had to guess, those who know me best would probably have a few choice words to use in describing the essense of me and I highly doubt "mellow" would be near the top of the list.
I'm wondering if maybe intense blood loss has something to do with it.
Say hello to Anopheles gambiae more commonly known as the mosquito or skeeter. This little bastard is apparently pretty damn fond of Yankee blood and came close to sucking me dry in a rather vampiric fashion. Then, when he had gourged himself in a manner that would have made Henry VIII cringe, he called his little bastard children in for the feast. That's right, your daddy can't pay mommy child support, but he can leech off the blood of innocent bystanders and pretend that he's "providing" for his family. I may make it my personal mission in life to eradicate these creatures from the face of the planet. I'm pretty sure they're the only of god's creatures that he doesn't love, so no harm no foul.
I think my record for bites was 5 in 1.5 minutes sustained while walking across the yard. Incidently, one night I subconsciously itched a hive so badly that I scratched the hive and the first layer of skin underneath it off.
Despite the little bloodsucking monsters that plagued me, my tenure at the beach was both necessary and fulfilling. Tomorrow afternoon (August 4) I'm leaving until Aug 7 for upstate New York/Canada. Then I'm back for good. And I hope you realize that by good what I'm really trying to say is until I pack up to leave for fall sometime on Aug 18.
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