29 August 2006

Terrified of Red Lion...

I pretty much left for DC the first day the dorms opened (Aug 18). After a quick drive and an interesting dinner where, for the first time ever, my dad sat down and enjoyed a long conversation with another human being (Kat's dad) I unpacked my worldly possessions and shortly thereafter I arranged my room . Please note that the Wall of Memories is already slowly starting to accumulate just above my pillows. I then proceeded to spend the week driving frantically around the city in one of these...
And eating here (Congressional Country Club off River Rd)...all the while making copious amounts of money. Don't you wish you were me? (The correct answer there is no...no you do not). And then there was the day I spent in West Virginia rafting down the Shenandoah...I capped off the week with a special breed of fun known as...
And just for fun's sake...I did have my first class today. Gangs and Gang Violence. I walked into the darkened classroom to a video of a pregnant teenager undergoing a beat-in somewhere in a small town in the Midwest. Apparently this kind of behavior is "too common to be truly shocking or terrifying." Damn, my major is just straight up possessed by the devil.

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