16 January 2006

I really do hate Maryland...

And no, it's not just because I'm from Pennsylvania and therefore obligated to hate aforementioned state. I hate Maryland because the traffic lights are NOT pedestrian friendly. Why are they not pedestrian friendly? Because no Maryland city (even Baltimore, which is fairly large) has an efficient public transportation system. For that reason, everyone has to drive cars. Which is, of course, killing the ozone layer and the reason why it was 50 degrees in the middle of January a few days ago.

Even Philly has SEPTA for the love of god.

So there you have it...I blame all of the East Coast's weather incidents (temperature, lack of snow, hurricanes...) on Maryland.

And the government. The MARYLAND government.

On another note...I'm back home...feels rather good, overall. My room is clean, I've seen some people, though not all and I'm avoiding TDR like the plague. It's kind of glorious.

Classes start tomorrow...but first BABYSITTING...with a cat...for those of you who don't know, my mild allergies to cats have developed into something near an asthma attack anytime I'm near one, so we'll see how this goes.

I'm also considering dropping juvenile delinquency, mostly because I just can't bring myself to be really interested in it. But then I'll only have 4 classes plus the research project (which will still be 15 credits)...and I will feel like a slacker. A slacker like whoa.

1 comment:

c said...

wow ash that is some warped science there :-P global warming is so much more a slight increase (but large compared to typical increases over long periods of time) to the yearly average temp, not the explanation for a 50 degree day in jan. try warm and cold fronts for that one, ok? And Baltimore does have public transportation... they have both a bus system and, ever heard of the light rail? It's pretty well travelled and it runs from Hunt Valley to south of Baltimore