15 February 2006

They say taupe is very soothing

An update at the "request" of my roommate. And by request what I really mean is demand...at GUN POINT.

Today I got out of work two hours early. I know many who would say "ARGH! NO! That's 30 less monies!! ARGH!" Occasionally I might even be in that group, especially because 30 equates to approximately 2 nights in a hostel. However, due to my never ending exhaustion that results in such conversations as "Hey Ash...you know what's funny? Napoleon III...and the Southern Reconstruction" and the infamous "ICH BIN CANADA!" which can be thanked for the newest title of this blog. So therefore, nothing but happiness for my two extra hours of freedom.

Oh wait. I'm not really free. I'm never really free. I get to babysit from 9:30-5:30 on Saturday! To quote the roommate...rock awwwwwn.

Seriously, after a summer of camp counseling, what the HELL was I thinking?! I'm half tempted to get an actual job again. Oh wait...I'd have to pay tax on ALL of my income and I'd get paid about half as much for twice as much work. Gleh.

Well...I got nothin'...unless you'd liketo hear a rant about the fact that I've had to eat untoasted bagels for the past two mornings. And I highly doubt that. Or maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit...

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