Well, after a weekend of wicked insanity, I'm ready to chill, have lunch with my friends and go shopping.
As anyone who talked to me knows, this weekend was AU Debate Society's tournament. Good turnout (30+ teams), ran, for the most part, on time, and I think everyone who debated had a pretty good time. So, the end game: AU's got another legitimate tournament under it's belt.
The price for all of this? The insanity and ridiculousness of putting together housing for people staying the night. It was insane mostly because people kept bailing on me at the last minute. But in the end, we only had to house about 30 people, and I had it for 45. Thanks to everyone who offered up their floors, and especially to those who actually did have people crashing in your rooms. See? They did NOT steal your stuff.
Aside from that, I had to judge too. I did all the normal rounds, as well as the novice semis, finals and varsity finals. 8 rounds all together. I was a wreck by the 7th, but the 8th (varsity finals) returned my soul to me. Let's just put it this way...there's nothing quite like watching an incredibly attractive man stand up (Garthur/The Fairy) and argue (very passionately I might add) that Billy Goat Gruff was unjustified in his actions against the troll because the troll OWNED that bridge. Other arguments were: Rousseau's social contract, the Preservation of Wildlife (or possibly envoking the ire of the troll nation), and let's not forget THE DEPRIVATION OF THE NATURAL DIVERSITY OF THE ECOSYSTEM.
Anyways...that aside...UMD parties and parties at the Albemarle tend to equal a lot of fun and mild hangovers.
So...in conclusion...Would you punch Rosa Parks in the face?
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