03 October 2005

Memories of a happier time...

Rache and I...enjoying a daquiri before galavanting off to partake in some drunk dialing...
This is Shea and I from last spring at his and Kat's birthday...yeah...that was a good day...
So...exhausted...yeah...that doesn't even begin to describe how I feel now...it's like I'm driving on black ice, about to crash into whatever's in front of me and I've got no control whatsoever. It's not like my life is bad...it's just that I'm JUST NOW coming off the caffeine/sugar high I put myself on last night to finish that god forsaken paper. I don't like this feeling...it's kind of like being drunk...only NOT FUN AT ALL.
Also...I really have no desire to revert back to being an insomniac...I've just finally gotten it under control and I don't need to go back there! NO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO! YOU CAN'T!
Right now..my redboard says "Je suis finis avec le papier de MORT! MON DIEU!" Most of you are probably intelligent enough to translate that...and if not..well...think about it...this is me...I'm speaking French here people...
Also..I'd really like a nap...and I might be able to take one now that my room is clean...
On a random note (not that this entire entry wasn't random) I'd just like to go on the record with a conversation...
Ash: Adam, can I borrow your duct tape?
Adam: Sure, why?
Ash: I need to duct tape Bob to my bed...
Adam: *blinks and cocks his head in that way he does when he's confused*
Shea: Lucky Bob!!
Out of context...that is so brilliant it makes me GIGGLE. Giggle I say!
I'm going to shut up now...and go watch the OC. Don't judge me!

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